Sunday, October 21, 2012

Floral Wreath Festivalstyle - Blumenkranz Festivalstyle

Ich bin wieder da!
Ja, nach längerer Pause geht es jetzt mit ganz vielen tollen Ideen weiter auf meinem Blog!
Im Juni war ich mit Freunden zum ersten Mal auf dem Hurricane Festival in der Nähe von Hamburg und es wird definitiv nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein! Die Bands waren der Hammer (Die Ärzte, Casper, Kraftklub, Royal Republic, The XX, Kakkmaddafakka, Florence & The Machine, Justice, Young Guns, Eagles Of Death Metal, M83, Bonaparte, Die Antwoord, Boy) und die ersten Tage war auch noch grandioser Sonnenschein, so dass unsere Hautfarbe durch den herumwehenden Sand und die Sonne gleich um 2 Brauntöne zunahm.
Allerdings besteht so ein Festival ja auch nicht nur aus den Bands, sondern natürlich aus dem ganzen Feeling. Und ich finde es ja auch immer ganz interessant, was die Mädels und Jungs so für Festivalstyles an den Tag legen. Und ein Accessoire hab ich da immer wieder auf den Köpfen der Mädels gesehen: einen Blumenkranz. Meistens künstlich, teilweise aber auch aus echten Blumen. Einen künstlichen hätte man sich auf dem Festivalgelände sogar kaufen können, allerdings waren das nicht die schönsten, und da dachte ich, das kann ich selber doch besser!
Als ich wieder zuhause war, gab es dann sogar noch einen zweiten Grund für den Kranz: Es stand eine Babyparty für eine meiner besten Freundinnen an, und als Ehrengast, sollte sie während der Party den Kranz tragen.

Das braucht ihr:
.künstliche (oder echte) Blumen

Und so geht's:
Erstmal habe ich die Stängel der Blumen gekürzt, da meine sehr lang waren. Außerdem habe ich die Blätter abgeschnitten. Dann werden die Blumen immer leicht versetzt mit dem Draht aneinandergewickelt. Irgendwann müsst ihr dann mal an eurem oder einem zur Verfügung gestellten Kopf abmessen, wie viele Blumen ihr ungefähr noch braucht. Wenn ihr die richtige Länge erreicht habt, kommt der kniffligste Part. Ihr müsst die Blumenkette zu einem Kranz formen, und möglichst unauffällig die Enden der Stängel einflechten.

Aber wenn ihr damit fertig seid, hat sich die Mühe gelohnt, und ihr könnt den Rest des Tages als Blumenkönigin durch die Landen ziehn! ;)

Und bis ich ihn wieder tragen kann, darf ihn Tiger tragen...

I'm back!
Yes, after a long break, I will now continue with a lot of great ideas on my blog!
In June, I've been for the first time at the Hurricane Festival near Hamburg with some friends, and it definitely won't have been my last time! The bands were fabulous (Die Ärzte, Casper, Kraftklub, Royal Republic, The XX, Kakkmaddafakka, Florence & The Machine, Justice, Young Guns, Eagles Of Death Metal, M83, Bonaparte, Die Antwoord, Boy) and the first days even were super sunny, so that our skin got two times as brown. On one side through the strong sun and on the other side through the masses of sand that flew around.
However, such a festival doesn't only consits of the music, but of the whole feeling. And I think it's always very interesting to see what festival styles the girls and boys are wearing. And one accessory I've seen again and again on the girls heads: a floral wreath. Mostly from artificial flowers, but also partly from real ones. You could even buy the artificial ones on the festival grounds, but they weren't the most pretty ones, and so I thought, I could do them better myself!
When I got home, there was even a second reason for the wreath: We organized a baby shower for one of my best friends, and as a guest of honor, she should be wearing the wreath.

What you need:
. Artificial (or real) flowers
. Wire
. Scissors

Here's how it works:
First I cut the stems of the flowers, as mine were too long. I also cut off the leaves. The flowers are then wound together always slightly staggered with the wire. At some point you have to measure on your head how more flowers you'll need. When you reach the right length, there comes the trickiest part. You have to form the chain of flowers into a circle, and try to hide the ends of the stems in the inside of the wreath.

But when you're done, the effort paid off, and the rest of the day you can walk around as the queen of flowers! :)

And untill I can wear it again, Tiger may wear it...

Sunday, May 20, 2012


at thursday my best friend had birthday. of course I wanted to make an extra special and creative present for her. my idea was, to take the photographs from her last birthday till to today which show both of us together or stuff we did together. to my surprise (i always think i don't see my friends in the south (she lives in munich) as often as i would like to) we saw each other really, really often and spend much time together in the last year (two holidays included!).
so i choose the best pictures (because i liked them all so much, i couldn't get it under 73 pictures ;D) and because i love the polaroid-look so much (also i got an old polaroid camera since about one year now, i unfortunately haven't tried it yet because i never had the time to get a film... it's definitly on one of the first places of my to do list!) i took the polaroid program from and made them all polaroid (this takes quite a while, cause the pictures have to develop like real polaroids which takes a few minutes.. (if you shake them, it goes faster) and after 10 pictures you have to quit and restart the program, because the cartridge is empty.. it makes the whole process feel really analogue :D)
so after i turned them to digital polaroid pictures, i let them develop, and had some nice polaroid-style pictures! (if you let them develop: choose "whole picture", because otherwise, the left and right side of the white frame won't be on the picture)
now i wrote something on the frame, or painted something on the picture with silver and black pens (absolutely without any concept, just what came into my mind in that moment... ). as last "picture" i took one of the polaroids i didn't want to use and cut the picture out, so just the frame was left. and on the frame i wrote: "hopefully the frame will be filled this year with many great moments and pictures of the both of us once again!"
at the end i just punched a hole at the under left corner and put a silver chain (from the hobby-market) through it. 
now i only had to send it (the problem just was.. it was past 8 p.m. and the post was closed. so i sticked four 55 cent stamps on it (to be on the safe side) and put it in the mailbox).
as it is always with me, i was a little late, and the day i put it in the mailbox was actually already her birthday. but it arrived 2 days later safely and she imediately called me, and was so, so happy!
so, all the work was worth it!
here are some pictures:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012



one of my best friends is an electrical engineer. at the moment he has to write a new software for a paper cutting machine because its old chips don't get produced anymore.
so, one of the old chips was left over and he found it so pretty, that he just couldn't throw it away.
he glued a stud to the bottom, and coated it with nailpolish.
it's really the most special earring i posess and i just love it!

here are some pictures!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

sketching at work


at the moment i'm an intern at a shooting for a german tv-movie. after last week's indoor-shooting, this week we shot the outdoor parts just around my corner in neukölln (1 minute way to work... great!).
i've never before been at this part in neukölln and i'm so happy that we're shooting there and i can spend so much time there, because it's a great place!
yesterday for example frank zander came by (a german singer) and paid for a round "apfelschorle". he's a really nice and funny guy!
then a strange guy on 2-meter stilts came by. he acted like someone would follow him, run away on his stilts and then came back and danced... so strange!!
the last scene of day we were shooting was a burning house at night. it looked so real, and passengers  asked, if it was a real fire... absolutely interesting to be a part of it.
the day before we clothed a mullah, police-officers, and women in burkas. it's so great, how clothes change your appearance!
sometimes when i'm not at the set which is actually 200 meters shifted from the base (the caravans for the actors, for costume and hair+make-up, and for catering and technique) but at our costume-caravan, there's also sometime waiting, when the others are shooting, and i finished my work i take out my small sketchbook and draw.
this is what came out at wednesday:

the eagle @ villa rixdorf

have a nice weekend you all!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

diy: dart-necklace

hey guys!

some weeks ago, when i was at my local flea market here in berlin, i found a box full of old darts.
they were all in different colors and i just had to mix different pieces together and bought some.
i didn't know wherefore to use them, but then came the idea!
i wanted to make necklaces of it.

so this is the diy: dart-necklace

you need:

old or new darts.
chain (very thin, has to fit through the hole in the handle).
one small jump ring.
a drill for a very small hole.
(a pair of tongs.)

you do:

1. first, you have to drill a hole in the plastic-part of the handle. it's not that easy, because it has to be very small, and still big enough for your chain.
watch out your fingers because the drill slips easily from the round and smooth plastic.
begin with a little dent and then start with the power.

2. thread the chain through the hole. if the chain isn't small enough, you might squeeze the single chain links with a pair of tongs. sometimes a wire can help you to get the chain through the hole.

3. now you only have to measure up how long the necklace should be, cut the chain, and connect the two ends with the jump ring.

that's it. now get out and have fun with your unique dart-necklace!

you can as well buy some of my dart-necklaces HERE on etsy

Sunday, April 22, 2012

diy: holga-fignatures

hey guys!
about one year ago, even before i got my wonderful holga, i found this great tutorial!
i always wanted to try this, and after i got my holga, i finally did!

so, this is how it works:

you need:

. your holga (of course!)
. a tiny figure (the ones they use for railroad models) in the size N, mine were 0,8-1 cm tall
. superglue

that's what you do:

take out your holga-film mask, and glue the figure on the bottom (or top, or sides). superglue is really fantastic, you just have to put a little at the feet and press it onto the plastic, and after 2 minutes it's solid. that's all you have to do. put the film mask back in, put a film in (i used a black and white one this time) and start shooting.

i glued the figure for one film with its feet on the bottom, and for the second film with its hands.

then you can experiment... i wanted to create pictures, in which the figure "touches" the object, i wanted to photograph. therefore, you have to guess, where the hands or the head of your figure is. mine was about 1/5th of the total length, and so it was easier to arrange the picture.
but when i got the photographs, none of the pictures looked, like i intended them to be. the figures always were on the opposite side....
i didn't think of this! when the light falls into your camera, it comes on your film upside down. so you always have to remember, to turn your camera upside down!
and on the part where your figure is, it shouldn't be to dark, so that you still can see the black shadow.

so, have a lot of fun experimenting, here are my results and i'd be happy to see yours too!




Saturday, April 21, 2012

maria aparicio puentes: WOW

hey guys!

a few days ago i stumbled across an incredibly inspiring picture of a wonderful artist called maria aparicio puentes ! check her other works out... really great pictures! in my eyes, she makes the invisible in photographs visible!

© maria aparicio puentes

it's a wonderful technique to mix photographs with yarn-applications.... 
i wanted to do similar stuff too, but haven't made it yet. instead, i scribbled on some magazin-pages... first in geometric arrangements, then a little more free...
here are some pictures:

i hope, you like them, enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

custom-shaped aperture

hey ho!

i saw this incredible diy in february on the globetrotter diaries page!


this is so amazing! karen explains how you create an aperture with a costumized shape.
she did it with a heart, but you can do it with everything.
unfortunately i only have a zoom-lens for my digital camera. so i tried with my old minolta xd-5.
and this is how it looked:

i shot the whole film and already shooting was such a fun!!
i used for my shape the "htw"-logo of the university i applied for using it in my application as well. when i brought my film to a photo-studio to let i process, the employee told me, it was a positive-slide-film (it was an old one i got from my father)... so i was very exited, what happened to my pictures. the result was... the complete film was black, exept for one picture (dia how we call it in germany). so i used this one for my application.
sorry, for the fuzz...


it's a really great idea... and i'm gonna try this some more times for sure!


hey guys!
so this is a short addendum to my weekend.
it was completely full of culture (and some dancing of course!) and so i wanted to recommend you the stuff that i've seen!
first of all, because lola (the german oscar) is being awarded soon, the lola-festival took place. you could watch all off the nominated movies there. it's a really nice idea, the festival pass is 16 euros and you can see 11 great movies! i was watching "kriegerin", "barbara", and "anonymous". all of them are really worth watching, but the one that stood out in my opinion was clearly "kriegerin (female warrior)". it's about right-extremism in germany and it's a story i've never seen before, especially the view of a girl. the main actress alina levshin plays fantastic (no surprise, she's also nominated for best actress and my personal favorite). she shows a very vulnerable as well as an extremly aggressive side. i'm not a good writer of critics... so just go and watch it yourself, you'll understand me afterwards!

© mark gmehling (
then there was the pictoplasma festival (FESTIVAL AND CONFERENCE OF CONTEMPORARY CHARACTER DESIGN AND ART) going on as well. it's a festival in which 16 gallerys and a movie-theatre took place. you can walk along and visit the galleries. there were shown lots of interesting drawing/sculptures/paintings and of course also some weird stuff!
we unfortunately didn't see all of the galleries but i have to mention 3 of the artists i loved! 
1. the 3d-illustrations of mark gmehling. they kind of look porcelain-ish and are really interesting, special and funny!

2. the illustrations of julia pott. really cute and so true!

© julia pott (

3. the illustrations of gemma correll. really, really funny and great wordplays!
check them out!

the last one was exhibited in the circus hostel which was actually the one i slept in the first time i've been to berlin. it's got a wonderful location right at rosenthaler platz, really nice staff, big rooms and the prices are fine. it's also got a nice little café in it in which we ended our gallery tour and ate some vitamines (yes, giving some vitamines to the body, which we lost the night before...) it's really comfy, and if you happen to be there by yourself, there are even ipods+headphones on the walls!
and i want those for my kitchen wall: (!!!)

so, if you happen to be in berlin at this time next year, don't miss pictoplasma!

and last but not least my weekend ended in the hau 1 (hebbel am ufer 1, a berlin theatre) at "ghost machine - a videowalk of janet cardiff and george bures miller". this was really great. you get an ipod with headphones on and wait in the queue. when it's your turn, you have to sit on a chair and start the movie on the ipod. a women tells you a story and the movie is recorded in the same theatre from the spot you actually sit. then you have to synchronize yourself with the movie. for example when the camera that recorded the movie turns to the left, you have to move your hands that hold the ipod to the left as well. it's kind of like you would see the theatre through the camera-function of the ipod, just that there are other people on your screen, because you see the movie. and then you have to follow the movie and walk through almost the whole theatre and there's like some kind of mystery involved. it's really, really a lot of fun, because it's really spooky from time to time. for example you stand in the dark theatre hall and there whispers a manly voice in your left ear. you turn around, and of course, nobody is there... it's also good, that you walk alone and you really get to know the building (we walked in the basement, the roof, the hall, backstage...) it's actually very special, exciting and sometimes even really spooky!
unfortunately it's over already.. but they do it about every year, so watch out for the next chance!

© thomas aurin